forreal said...
Yes! It was Metametrix labs. So how did you eventually find out that it was 1/2 a parasite and that it was dead?
I went to see my naturopathic doctor who went over the results with me, and when we hit upon the parasite section, he said the lab identified a parasite (a dead one or what was left of one) but they could not identify the actual parasite. He then explained how it could have gotten into my body, which is when the immune system is under-active, allowing pathogens, bacteria and invaders to come in... and then it became overactive.
I suspect I was smoking too much marijuana/drinking too much in college which crashed my immune system (I was always sick with colds, fatigued, etc) and then all the sudden was having all of these problems! (UC).
Garlic is the best supplement to get rid of parasites.
Has your test results revealed anything else about
your auto immune activity? For me, my doctor sees the high level of Yeast in my system is a crazy threat (causing auto immune), and we tested what drugs would get rid of it, and its very resistant, so we are going the supplement route.
All of the supplements (ADP, paraguard, etc) are in my signature! I hope your doc prescribes them on top of whatever meds he is going to prescribe! =]