kookoo said...
I have used the saline for my neti pot which comes in little sachets. I think my stool formation has improved but I am still feeling very lethargic. I guess it takes time for your body to heal when one has been ill for a long time. I am wondering of anyone has fully regained their vitality from doing the transplants? I take enough superfoods to sink a ship and eat lean protein, salads and veges..no gluten, dairy or sugar ever!
I think I will try to do another one this weekend if poo-sible (haha). Just wondering how many it takes or does it just take time to allow the good bacteria to colonise? I think it definitely helped to do the enema first ..I was having headaches at night after the transplants which seems to be improving anyway. I would love to here from anyone who has seen a good improvement to build up moral for the next one lol
The studies that have focused on people with UC/CD have found that in general it takes more transplants, and more time, for a profound improvement compaired to people with a C-diff infection. Borody speculates that this may be because other bacteria that can be causing UC/CD implant spores in our intestinal walls, allowing them to keep coming back - so repeated transplants are necessary to fully eradicate them.
I think that the fact that some bacteria are able to build strong biofilms to protect themselves, and keep other bacteria from displacing them, can be a factor - which is why I've been using the enzymes to break down the biofilm.
Also, for those of us who have had UC/CD for years, there is probably a fair amount of damage that needs to heal, to the intestinal walls and villi - and all of that takes time.
This weekend was my third weekend of transplants, and I am expecting to keep doing them for probably at least 3-4 more weeks, maybe twice that. I think this approach of doing it on weekends seems to be working pretty well. That is the approach Borody is now using for UC, finding it more effective than a sequence of 5 transplants 5 days in a row.
In my case, the combination of the SCD and transplants seems to be working great. I am officially off Remicade - in the past, I have never gone this long between infusions, since I would start developing mucus, diarrhea, blood, etc.. So far, everything is fine. Nice, well-formed stools, generally around 2 a day.
THis weekend I got perhaps a little too adventurous. Since the rice I had last weekend didn't give me any problems, I decided to give some fried rice from a thai restaurant a try. I'm not sure if it caused any problems or not. I did my transplant Saturday morning, then had fried rice for an early dinner, and held the transplant until Sunday morning. THen I had a nice big, well formed poop (much of it the donor poo). But then within about
45 minutes I had two more pretty urgent poops. They weren't diarrhea, just more urgency than I have had lately, and I was surprised to have three close together. I was fine after that though.
Not quite sure what to make of that.
Also, my transplant on Saturday was more time consuming than normal because I got lazy about
filtering, and the result was that the end of the tube clogged a few times. That was a pain to deal with. The moral - make sure you filter nicely.