I am sooooo happy! I finally came to a breaking point in how I have been feeling since June. I went to the doctor yet again and had to explain the cramps and the contractions and the puking for the 8 time in 2 months. 3 new meds with nasty nasty side effects and I had them all of course.
So on Monday last week I took my son to his soccer game and there is an indoor tract so I started walking. I walked for 5kms. I felt great. I then went to the grocery store and saw pomegranates on sale so I bought a bunch. I ate two the first day( not the seeds. I spit them out. Just the juice). Anyway the next day I walked my five kms and had two more pomegranates and guess what no pain. I stopped my new pills and kept the walking and pom's. I FEEL GREAT!!! I don't know what it really is that worked but I have not felt this great in years!!! Who knew? I don't recommend this to anyone but I am just happy for once and needed to share!