Here are the drug trial details
I am currently on the
open label drug study - and I have now had 3 infusions, and without a doubt, its a miracle drug for me. I get the the infusion fortnightly, and it takes about
1 and a half hours + a flush, so all up, including GI, blood tests, drug etc, its about
3 hours maximum.
I started the drug trial as part of the double blind trials, and thought I might of been getting the drug as I was seeing 'improvements' - but these where because I stopped eating - so no food means no output. I was bleeding heavily, and the pain was so severe that I was on tramadol and morphine.
My improvement in the last 4 weeks since being on the
open label drug is incredible, I have gone from not eating/drinking (due to the chronic and copious diarhhea), extreme pain levels involving hospitalisation, dehydration, losing 28 kilograms since November 2011, too now being an almost normal person. I am eating (admittedly I am avoiding coffee, milk, onions, eggs and high sugar foods as I can not handle it) 2 meals a day now, rather than the 1/2 cup a food that I was existing on for the previous 3 months, from 15 - 20 toilet trips a day to 1! and also NO BLEEDING. I still get flecks of blood, but I am no longer passing blood in full flow, like an artery has been
opened. I was so excited when I passed my first formed bowel motion, that I called my mum crying!! She was super excited for me too! Then I called my husband, and he was not all that impressed that we were talking about
4 weeks ago, I was begging my GI to remove my colon, I wanted a permanent ilieostomy - I wanted to die. I was done, I was over it, and I could not handle it anymore.
Now - I can not believe how good I feel, I have people telling me left, right and centre how good I am looking now, as I no longer look like someone who is dying. (There words - not mine!)