Welcome to the forum, btw.
I live a normal life.
My UC is in remission thanks to a variety of different things:
diet modification, certain supplements like L-Glutamine, slippery elm powder, probiotics, various others, and LDN - low dose naltrexone.
I have my routine now, it's different now than my pre-UC (way way before then) routine.
Instead of gorging on gluten and dairy products - which are inflammatory long term, I concentrate on a gluten free and dairy free diet - Paleo which is another layer of anti-inflammatory as well. Instead of a bagel for breakfast, I have my whey protein shakes filled with liquid minerals and liquid vitamins. And I can tell you that I am much healthier today than way back then.
Do I miss my old routine, not one bit!
I do cheat once in awhile, but make sure to take my cheat remedy when I do.
I don't have to worry about locations of bathrooms anymore since being in remission.
My reason for staying on the forums, even though I am in remission, is to help others... help them see that there are other treatments available other than the ones being pushed by doctors and big pharma.
My suggestion: see what changes you can make to your diet, add some supplements, and look into LDN, low dose naltrexone.
There are things IMO that you can control, which will have a direct impact on your disease, the symptoms you experience and their severity.
I was able to control my UC into remission through various supplements, probiotics, diet modification, and LDN , low dose naltrexone.
For more info on the protocol which has put me into remission, please go to this link: , and look at the 11th post.
I hope you feel better and let us know how we can help you.