I signed up alone but will join a group of people that I don't know. Not a problem for me as I've done it before. Have no trouble making new acquaintances.
I've noticed since I got UC, it's easier to be alone rather than "inflict" my limitations on another person. Also like having the cabin to myself.
I used to hate to explain why I had to use the bathroom so often or why I was reluctant to go somewhere that was unfamiliar.
It was just easier to go by myself and make new "friends".
After a while it became a habit.
Actually, it's kind of good not to have to depend on someone else to "come with" and, this way, I can do what I want, when I want.
Cruise travel is good for single people because it's generally a safe environment. In this case, if I disappear, the group I am joining will most likely notice.
Thanks for the good wishes.