Conquer UC said...
Sfc424: where did i say that ejaculation lowers immunity? It doesn't! I just said that the sheer physical demand on the body from ejaculation (why do you think men sleep afterwards? They get tired) can make someone whi is already sick even sicker because the immune system , especially when already compromised, struggles as all the energy and protein and vitamins/ minerals go into making new sperms for the next ejaculation. One of the main minerals used up in this process is zinc- lack of which can delay healing and make uc worse. Also, B vitamins get used up. So what may help Kick is a whey protein (make sure no artificial stuff in it) plus chelated zinc and naturally sourced B vitamins.
It has nothing to do with ejaculation, its just muscle contraction, which is not different than say, arm movement. Its the 'performance' part. Apologies for graphic details but explanation is required. Men just do not do a good job on breathing at the time of performing the act. If your breathing is good and rhythmic, your body keeps getting enough oxygen and you are not that tired at the end. Majority that I know are like cheetah, sprint and then lie flat (read sleep), slow but steady and you will be awake. Try it yourself, give a try to cowgirl instead of missionary and see the end result changes.
To the OP, apart from the guesses already made by others, also take a look at your overall health. Can you run for 10 minutes at moderate speed? Actually, even if you don't, fatigue lasting 36 hours is very unusual. You should check with your GI for sure.
Offnote: what the heck is chelated zinc? What is the exact salt?