I mentioned this here on the board in the past few weeks.
I was just wondering if any of you have had problems with nausea and what came of it.
I had been having small bouts of nausea for a while but there were long stretches in between when there would be none. So I didn't think much of it. Anyway it got more frequent and now I have it quite a bit. Not every day but most days to some degree. Especially at night after eating. Most of the daytime I'm ok.
I know that my endoscopy will tell me what is really going on but I'm scared. I've had so many different health issues this year. I'm concerned it is something very bad. It is definately not normal.
I guess I'd like to hear some suggestions as to what this could be if any of you ahve ever experienced it.
Today I was pretty fine all day. I even ate dinner and was good. Right after dinner it came on slow and now is bad again. No vomiting but if you push my stomach is feels tender/nauseas.