, you fast the night before and show up at your doctor's office in the morning. they gave you a belt to wear with a recorder that corresponds to the camera. the camera is in a capsule that you swallow. the camera sends images to the recorder and you bring it back to the doctor so he can look at it. you end up pooping the camera out naturally after 24-72 hours (or it gets stuck in less than 2% of patients).
seems pretty cool and way better than a colonoscopy/endoscopy. i'm gonna BEG my doctor to do one of these for me. doubt he will since he's pretty old school, but i will beg profusely.
there is a patient testimonial on the site about a dude with anemia and they couldn't find where he was bleeding with traditional scopes. he ended up doing a pill cam and they found a lesion in is jejunum. pretty cool.