So I'm on my second loading dose today. 2 pens. Wowzer! That hurt more than the first four. One thing that is different is I premedicated with Tylenol that first time and I didn't this time, that could have been a good choice. Also I tried the ice method but that in fact made it hurt worse. It turns out that I guess I have thick enough flesh on my thigh that the ice doesn't numb as deep as the needle goes.
So I realized why it hurt when I looked at the box and saw that it wasn't "Humira Pen" but it was actually "Humira Pain" I was taking.
VIEW IMAGENo no this is fake. I photoshopped it to express my feelings for it. I do feel better after making that image, although I am feeling nauseated and weak after this weeks dose, unlike the first time I didn't feel much at all.