I was diagnosed with UC over a year ago now, I was told the lower right part of my colon is effected and ulcers were forming. Soon after I started a strict diet of mainly fish, and I found mackerel in olive oil (in tins) was good along with fresh smoked mackerel, salmon. I have cut out milk completely and started alpro milk instead. Things seemed to be looking up as I was well for 3 months then I got very constipated and the flare up started again and hasn't gone since. I have now been losing mucus and blood every day now for 2 months. It seems every time I show any signs of the the condition improving... the minute I have a hard stool, I'm back to square one again.
I've never had the problem of loose bowels with my UC. The main problem is constantly running to the loo to let out an embarrassing amount of loud wind, along with mucus and blood. It also seems I have to release mucus/blood before a bowel movement. I feel my UL has without a doubt spread now as it is a lot worse then it's ever been.
I'm feeling so low and stressed with it all, Which I know will also not help my UC. I'm trying everything in my power to calm this flare up down abit but I just feel I'm getting worse and worse.
I'm currently taking Pentasa (mesalazine) 500 mg twice daily and prednisolone 20 mg rectal foam and fish oil tablets which initially I found was helping a great deal but now is really doing nothing.
I wish I could afford to go private as I find the specialist I'm seeing now is pretty useless. I've been given no advice on diet, different medications or operations.
I have 4 books on UC and it seems every one is giving different information and diet tips. It's so confusing.
The only thing I can see is good for me is oily fish but obviously I can't spend the rest of my life just living off fish.
And I now know milk really isn't good. Or anything with high sugars, So I avoid that at all costs.
If anybody could help me or give me any advice/tips at all...! I would very much appreciate it?