meemers said...
Anyone else terrified of the IRS being in charge of enforcing Ocare?
noah said...
The sky continues to show no sign that it is in fact now closer to the surface of the Earth.
Yes, nothing to see here. The organization in charge of implementing my healthcare is daily being shown to be absolutely tyrannical in perpetrating a 'long train of abuses.' Do I have any reason to believe they would not ask me ridiculous questions like what I pray about or for me to to make copies of my Facebook page or tweets for them before receiving a decision on a medical issue? If you think that is some soi-disant rambling of an anti-government anarchist, go watch the hearings and read the primary documents. It's been happening, repeatedly. No, most Americans, if not outright thanking the IRS and signing thank you cards to them for targeting specific groups have at best an insouciant attitude about their individual rights being chipped away.
I agree with meemers, as a young diseased person, I'm very concerned about the IRS enforcing the ACA.