My story is more convoluted than I have explained here, because UC has caused me the most problems, and more recent problems, I guess I identify with this group more.
2003 chronic heartburn that I could never get rid of. Had endoscopy, dxed with gastric ulcer. Rxed Nexium
2005 on followup for heartburn, doc noticed that I had lost a lot of weight. Another endoscopy this time with duondenal biopsies. COMPLETE villous attenuation. Dxed with celiac disease and confirmed with serology. Phased in a GF diet. STILL had painful heartburn. GF diet was VERY difficult, especially when my symptoms (heartburn) did not improve. Stayed GF for a year...gained a little weight, doubled the Nexium, saw a different doc who told me to go back to a regular diet if being GF was not helping. So, I started eating gluten again although I avoid high gluten foods like bagels.
2009 massive D and bleeding about for a couple of weeks. Colonscopy performed. Pathologists debated whether it was UC or Crohn's. Decided it was UC. Highest lesion was 32 cm. Started Asacol and mesal suppositories. Flare lasted about a month
2011 Another flare, this time ended up in ER with pred IV, morphine. GI switched to Rowasa instead of suppositories. Flare lasted about a month
2013 Currently diagnosed with C diff. Docs do not know if I am actually flaring or reacting to C Diff. Doc has refused pred bc of the C diff. Told to increase mesalamines. After doing this the pain became unbearable so I quit taking them altogether. Finished 10 days of vancomycin. Still bleeding (worse than I ever have) and D. Much left-side pain. Anemic and dehydrated. . Week 6 of" flare" now Colonoscopy tomorrow.
HEREIN LIES THE RUB: Pathologist friend suggested that I am "flaring" due to C diff and my gut probs are ALL celiac disease. It's possible I do not have UC at all, but a C diff infection or INFECTIONS. She will be reading my pathology. And looking for everything possibly to accurately diagnose me. Could all my flares be C diff and not UC? Or some crazy celiac reaction?
The fact remains that I am infected with C diff. But I'm pretty sure I need to go back to being GF and maybe then I will get relief of this horror that my colon has become.
PS: I stopped taking Nexium a year ago, and have had mild heatburn only two times.
(I also have Hashimoto's thypothyroid and have started having neuropathy in joints and skin)