Diflucan, not nystatin, is the one that is hard on the liver. Nystatin is not absorbed unless your intestines are shot to hell (which they could be with uc..but even then there are no cases noted of hepatotoxicity) Nystatin is one of the safest drugs we have and it is active against a wide variety of yeasts, not just candida.
livertox.nlm.nih.gov/Nystatin.htmMycoplasma is bad news bears.. what's your doc say about
that one? As someone battling mycoplasma pneumonia and possibly other strains I can attest to how hard it is to kill. Treating my Lyme has been a walk in the park compared to mycoplasma. Those abx you took would have just pissed it off. It most certainly effects the gut.
You should really look into it and you will see that mycoplasma is NEVER a normal inhabitant of the human gut and it should always be addressed. It causes many autoimmune illnesses.
Also, you should think of watching dr amy yaskos videos on h pylori. Youll see the difficulty on catching it on testing and how it will often continue to pop up. Dont believe me if you want, I have nothing to lose by you staying sick.. you are the one that has to live with it. These pathogens are really hard to kill. They arent impossible by any means by they require the right treatment and when they are chronic that treatment is very different then standard operating procedure for most MDs. You say you have no symptoms of h pylori, yet you list ulcers, cecum inflammation. etc in your list. Surprise, h pylori doesnt just cause heartburn. What do your endoscopes say? Your colonoscopy was clear.. but what about
the upper intestine?