Red_34 said...
Did you have any premeds before the infusion? If so, what?
Btw, don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate improvements when starting Remi. You're just in the loading stage. It can take several infusions before you notice an improvement. I didn't actually hit a true remission until after I was on it for 9 months. I would yo-yo with symptoms. I've now been on it almost 2 years and I am still doing fantastic. I hope the same holds true for you!
i actually started remi back in march and within days the symptoms really improved rapidly. 3 days after and I was basically going twice a day with no blood/mucous etc and this was coming off a very major flare where UC had gone all the way up and into/through the transverse colon. my infusion in july didn't seem to help and i got very sick and into a flare. we pushed up this infusion to see how i'd do but my GI didn't want to up the dose past 5mg per kg.
i'm on uceris and tried apriso (only to go off of it because my flare went from ~7-10 to 18-20bm's a day).
i'm worried about
antibodies so i will insist on testing for them if i don't see enough improvement by monday. i'm getting bloodwork done tomorrow, hopefully it reveals some good news as well.