I am new to joining, but have actually been reading threads for a few weeks since I was diagnosed with UC in early July, and appreciate all the information I have received. It is also just good to know that if you have this condition, you are certainly not alone, unfortunately. I was diagnosed with severe pancolitis and put on Lialda 2.4 gm once daily. This medication worked immediately for me, within a couple days. Diarrhea and bleeding completely stopped, so I guess I was very fortunate. Even my doctor was surprised, as with the degree of inflammation, he thought I would need stronger medication to achieve that quick a remission. I have two questions. Has anyone noticed this quick a response (hopefully!), and also a question about a possible side effect. I am a 54 year old female with a history of spinal arthritis from a young age; however, it has only been problematic in terms of pain occasionally. Shortly after starting the Lialda, however, I began to notice severe pain in my spine, to the point where it feels like my spine is breaking; can't stay up on it long, lie down, etc. The medication information on side effects says it can cause back pain. I guess with side effects, a medication is likely to affect a person in their "weak spots," but has anyone else noticed a worsening of back or joint pain with this med? Thank you, and thank you for these forums. I did call my GI, but he has not gotten back to me. Just curious.