Been doing nightly enemas for the last couple months... trying to contain/control this flare. Had one that i wasn't able to hold a few weeks ago... but last night was a total fail!!!!
Normally, I am able to clear myself around 9:00ish... and then can give my body an hour or so to relax. Take the enema at 10... and run into bed for the night.
Last night, the minute I got in bed I started feeling the gurgling. When this has happened before, I can usually hold off and it passes. Not last night!!! I barely made it back to the bathroom before I had a 30 minute total spasm/episode. Everything was contracting! It was absolutely insane!!!! It was as if it was a fleet or something??? Totally insane.
Anyway, after that, there was no way I could even considering trying another one and settled for a canasa.
So... has this happened to anyone? And should I be concerned it is going to happen again tonight, or just chalk it up as a one-time really nasty thing???
Regardless, the last thing I need is to worry about this, that won't help.