Adventureuc said...
I know when I'm flaring it's easy to feel really depressed. Maybe you just haven't found the right med combination yet. Did you try Uceris? Have you tried diet? Fecal Transplant? Your info provided said you've been diagnosed since May of this year. That's not a very long time compared to others on here who are dealing with this. I've had symptoms for 18 months now and am just starting to find relief in the past month when I went off my meds and did SCD and FT. FT is so easy to do if you have a willing donor and it has provided very good results for many people who have done it.
Maybe you should look at some other possibilities: med, diet, probiotics, etc - if you feel up to it, that is.
Thank you so much for your response AdventureUC and somedude- different perspectives help, especially perspectives from those that don't agree :)-
I have actually been having symptoms since Aug/Sept 2012- but didnt go in to see the doctor until May which was when I was officially diagnosed and then went dramatically downhill. As far as meds, I initally tried Liada (both oral and enema versions), I have been on prednisone since May, I tried remicade and doctors decided my body wasnt responding to that and they were saying my body wasnt responding to the oral steroids as well. I am now on 6th Humira injection and my dr wants me to try Imuran or do surgery, as he also thinks I am not responding to Humira.
I have completely changed my diet. I started off wheat and dairy free- then moved to SCD and am working with a nutritionist that has me on a really strict, supposed to be easy on the gut, diet. I can probably count the # of food items I eat on my two hands- but overall, im completely grain free, dairy free, and sugar free.