iPoop said...
MarieMyThoughts said...
Aw man :( all of these things having to be inserted into my rectum
lol, sadly a majority of things related to this disease involve something going into or coming out of one's bum. I think we're all a little queasy at first about
the subject but now it's nothing for me.
If you are seeing undigested food in your stool, then that likely means that the 'transit time' in your intestine is speed up. When you are having a uc flareup, instead of food taking 24 hours to pass through your system it takes far less than that. The quicker the food moves through you, the less time it has to digest and yeah you sometimes see it undigested when it passes. The good news is that once you heal things slow down again and you won't see that anymore.
The feeling of having to go to the bathroom, and it not going away is also a sign of a uc flareup. I have days where I just ignore that feeling because it is there all day long. It's not like that everyday, but every once and a while and boy is it annoying. There are no remedies that I am aware of other than getting your uc inflammation under control.
Thank you for all the info.
I never knew anything about
the instestine slowing down.. i never would've even guessed that