garylouisville said...
To be honest, that doesn't sound right to me. Cortisol is a steroid everyone's body makes, unless you are on prednisone, in which case (if you are on a high enough dose of about 10mgs per day or higher) your body's adrenal glands shut down and no longer produce it. I have never heard of cortisol levels being lower in those with IBD. Maybe they are trying to say that IBD patient's body's don't manufacture much cortisol due to the fact that many of us are on prednisone, not because the UC itself lowers our cortisone levels.
I subscribe to that theory. I think I wear out my adrenal glands, constantly creating inflammation lifting all the time working way too many hours in stressful situations - they burnout.
I believe that because I get better whenever I add some prednisone. I think this is the classic 'adrenal fatigue' and other people just get run down but with UC we are always producing more inflammation in the gut so a drop in production begins the slippery slope.