Posted 10/13/2013 4:50 AM (GMT 0)
In general, there are certain foods that, when you're flaring, are more harsh on your colon. Gary has it right.
If you've been tested that many times for a gluten allergy, then believe the test results, especially since you could tolerate gluten when you were in remission.
I have found that it's helpful, when flaring, to stick to a low roughage, low residue.
1) Low roughage: Foods that don't digest very well are literally going to tear up your insides. Lettuce, raw vegetables, anything with seeds, popcorn .... If there's anything that you've eaten during a flare that has shown up almost completely solid in your stool, it's probably scraping your colon and you should abstain until you're in remission.
2) Low residue: You want to reduce the amount of fecal matter that you're producing, so you can give your colon more rest. Foods like white pasta, white breads, white rice, potatoes, etc are all great for this. In general, this is one of the benefits of the BRAT diet.
The idea here is NOT that these foods are causing your colitis. It's that when you HAVE colitis, eating lots of high residue food that physically damages the lining of your colon will make your symptoms a lot worse.