Sorry about your daughters diagnosis. I can understand why Canasa didn't help....it would not reach far enough to get rid of all inflammation....the Rowasa would be a better choice as it would reach further up. I would be cautious about using the asa meds after she had Pancreatitis using Asacol. They all have the same active ingredient (Rowasa included). I assume the Dr. knows about what happened last time (if it is not the same Dr.) I wonder if Colozol would be a better choice. I do like the idea of treating from both ends, but I would watch carefully for any signs of Pancreatitis.
There are also choices of steroid enemas and foams if the asa component is a problem. As far as oral meds though, the choices get more serious once you can't take asa's.
Pls keep us posted on your daughters condition. Also does she take high potency probiotics?
**Oh I see that she is already on 6mp. I wonder what some of the veteran members will recommend with this. I assume she is in the theraputic range??*