My UC started around menopause and Rx meds never helped much at all (except for mesalamine enemas which did help some).
Diet modification finally helped me after trying many, many different diets over the years. Was not easy but like you I was also desperate to avoid biologicals and got lucky (or desperate enough to grasp at small improvements which turned into big improvements).
So try: gluten-free plus milk-free, caffeine-free, low-sugar and low-fiber food. See if your gut gets happier. Keep a notebook and keep track of bad days. It's hard to pinpoint trouble-making foods because sometimes it isn't immediately apparent which food caused the problem.
Keep up with your meds and enemas.
Eat good oils like coconut oil and olive oil.
Eat cooked spinach and chicken broth and (maybe sunflower seeds).
If you try supplements do them one-at-a-time so you can tell which one works/doesn't work so you don't get confused.
Welcome to the forum.