Hi ConquerUC. I am so sorry that you are feeling so low. I know it all too well. I was diagnosed a month after my son was born. I flared until he was almost one. It started when I was 5 months pregnant. The ANGER I felt that I was sooooo sick his first year is still something I am dealing with. A number of my friends had babies around the same time and I hated how easy it all was for them.
Then when I finally hit remission. IT ALL IT ME. I was in survival mode for so long that I never let myself absorb what was happening and accept the disease. Fast forward a miscarriage in January and a nervous breakdown...THERAPY. I needed it. No matter how much I didn't want to I needed it. I look at it as going to the gym...you hate getting off the couch to go but after you feel soooo good.
I want to have a second baby and I have followed your posts and see you do too. I tried everything naturally during my first flare - diet, supplements, etc. It landed me in the hospital. Away from my 6 month old son. At that point I knew I would do whatever it took to get healthy again. For him. He was always my light in all the darkness. Immunosuppressants, biologics or surgery whatever it would take. I am even open to surgery now.
I went on 6 mp for 4 months. It messed up my liver and I had to stop. Next step was Remicade per my GI. I did one last round of prednisone and Lialda and rowasa nightly for 3 months. Thats what did it for that flare.
What I am trying to say is that NOTHING is written in stone. Something can turn the switch off in your system and you can end up stopping the meds slowly and getting to a maintenace drug like the 5 ASA's.
Also I have read a lot about anti depressants helping the gut...its where the serotonin originates. Helps the body, helps the mind and its not forever.
Please don't ever think you are alone. I have my days that I cry my eyes out at my dealt hand. And then I force myself to see the good. Its there...maybe hiding sometimes...but its there.