Got a mild flare up, got some questions.
Why is it we are so TENDER after a watery BM no matter if it is a small amount or not so much?
How come the tenderness lasts sometimes ALL day?
Why is our back sore?
So, is there a quick fix (don't laugh..I know how this disease works) for about a week with some kind of meds, ANYTHING because this flare up came just weeks before I go out of town and will be gone for 5 days. I realize I will still have Bm's but just wondered if there is a med the doctor can give me that will control it briefly or something (I know, wishful thinking..LOL). May not if there is since I already am on meds. Just curious. : )
Okay...that's all I have. LOL I have a dtrs appt. on Friday but was curious now. This is my second flare up since 2005 and on AsacolHD 2400mg. Doc may want to up it?
Hope you all are having a good day!