notsosicklygirl said...
Poor thing, the title of this thread struck me because i know the feeling. I feel this way with Uceris even though it's small potatoes compared to pred. I just want off. I think you should try holding steady at 15mg for a few days and see how you're doing. I hate to say it but I wouldn't put too much into the SCD thing. Most people (from what I see here), do not have success with diet, especially people who are struggling with moderate/severe symptoms that require something beyond 5ASAs. When are you supposed to decrease pred again? What's the taper schedule? After 15mg, it gets harder to taper for some people. The imuran should help but it takes time to get into the system. Have you had your levels checked for imuran? I had to taper at 1mg a week when I got to a low dose, even with 6mp. I also responded very slowly to 6mp... Try to stay positive and keep going with your rectals. Are you using cortifoam or rowasa? Soemtimes combo of both is helpful. I have also heard of people combining uceris with pred to get off pred. Wait and see. You may just be having a blip due to the initial taper and things will level out.
I'm supposed to decrease prednisone again on Saturday. The taper schedule is 5mg per week. I haven't gotten imuran levels checked. TBH I think it just generic azathiorprine im taking because it doesn't say imuran on the bottle. I'm not certain because my dad buys the meds since they're covered by his insurance. I'll ask him. I'm using salofalk enemas, I think that's like rowasa... not sure though. I hope my GI will call me back soon and give me some advice, I'm a bit nervous to try anything without the advice of my GI. I just don't want to mess anything up even more.