Hi ,
Sorry to hear about your Son..
We had a similar experience with our UC daughter2-3 yrs bck...From experience,I strongly support FT after the vanco course....
As we were so upset and scared about her UC diagnosis and few months later C.diff infection, we decided to go with Fecal Transplant.Her GI was so understanding and passively suppotred our decision.So after the first course of Vanco,even though her symptoms were all gone, We did 5 home fecal transplant using her 12yr old brother as donor.
I would say c.diff was a blessing in disguise.... those FT's brought her stools back to pre-UC days.
So far no symptoms and well fromed stools.
She was out from all UC meds for 4 months after FT.(Was strictly following SCD diet too)
Right now as a precaution, she is taking 4 lialda...
Best wishes...