Today I had my last appt. with my surgeon- everything is great, the butt wound is filling in nicely, stoma is fine, no problems or issues at all. With anything! So, no more surgeon appt's, no more GI appt's, no more medications... bizarre! Since my surgery, 5 short weeks ago, I've been living like a different person- out every AM, early- like 7:30ish! Eating big meals- well, really normal size- but to me, after barely eating for the past decade, they seem huge. No accidents, no urgency, I empty the bag maybe 6x a day??? Don't have to get up at night to empty, been sleeping a good 8-9 hours a night. Leave the house at the drop of a hat, no "What if???" I can remember before surgery, thinking "UC has been my defining factor for over 10 years- without it, who will I be?"... Crazy thinking, huh? Now, I'm ME again. Just me. It's not that I "miss" UC, no way... I am going to see my GI one last time before we wrap things up, I want to thank him for all his help. So I don't know why it's bittersweet, but... it just is! Hard to believe, huh? Can any of you picture your lives without UC? I couldn't, for so long. I'm at peace, finally. Ciao, my friends!