hey fruit ;-)
thanks for asking -
he's off the chart on the soystud awesomeness scale !
on the cp scale, he's pretty challenged :-(
lot's of non's - eater, talker, walker, ------ but he's chatty, laughs and poops and pees, you know, all the good stuff
100% j-tube fed - did the g-tube for about
6 years, then had to j it - we started him on a partial real food program about
8 months ago and he is doing stupendous - so far he is gaining about
a pound a month !!! that's on a kid who weighed less than 30 pounds in October '13 !
tpn has helped quite a few kids we know, but it definitely is a step no one wants to take - when you are down to zero options ...............you do what you gotta do - hopefully with what we are doing, we can avoid that -
friends of ours have an 8 yr old son with a still unknown dx - they are running a new round of tests, but are thinking it's a 1 in a million rare chromosome disorder - he'll be getting a g-tube placed next month - so sad :-(
but life goes on for all of us, no matter what obstacles appear to be in our way -
are you getting the better of your latest bump in the load ;-)