Here is a table I put together this morning. The prices are per pill. U.S. price for mesalamine is brand and U.S. price for budesonide is generic. The budesonide costs THIRTY TIMES MORE in the US than in India!
. Max Max Lowest US Canada Canada Mail
US pill Retail Retail (generic if US Price Mail Order Price
Product Equivalent mass Compound Rupees Dollars available) Multiple Order Multiple
Mesacol OD Lialda 1.2g mesalamine prolonged release 22.145 $0.362 $7.222 20X $0.888 2X
Budez CR Entocort 3mg budesonide controlled release 13.600 $0.220 $6.667 30X $0.745 3X
Naltima-50 Revia 50mg naltrexone hydrochloride 59.150 $0.970 $1.267 1X $2.333 2X
Post Edited (07vNH) : 8/10/2014 9:40:56 AM (GMT-6)