pb4 said...
Just because it's illegal, doesn't mean it doesn't work for people with all kinds of illnesses and that's what my doctor recognizes, and that's all that matters to him...there is doctor patient confidentiality as well. Besides which, it's becoming legal in more and more areas finally, thank god!!! Cuz god knows that the crap meds they feed us aren't worth much and cost a heck of a lot more money too, with horrible side effects to boot, not to mention intolerances to meds that many have.
Thankfully my GI believes it doesn't matter what works, so long as something does, and if you find something that does, stick with it...Malaika were you not aware of medical MJ?
No of course, I mean I think it's great that your doctors are able to see past arbitrary legal statuses and actually only care about
what's working for you, it just surprised me that that was the case.
I am aware of medical marijuana, but I guess I presumed it was slightly different from the regular MJ you'd get for recreational use? Perhaps with less THC or something. From what I've gathered you guys aren't getting marijuana via prescript
ion, so I thought that's what doctors would have a problem with. And surely they have a 'moral' duty as healthcare providers to discourage against anything which the state has deemed harmful to a person's health? (I know that's bull, and the legal drugs they pump us with are much worse, just trying to see this from a legal standpoint).
I don't know, I mean I have no idea about
this stuff. Medical marijuana is definitely unobtainable for UC where I'm from and I've always been terrified of anything illegal.