I'm having my first colonoscopy next wednesday to check for UC and I'm so nervous, I wouldn't do it if I didn't feel so bad
The instructions said to take two Dulcolax pills the night before the prep, then Moviprep during the day and a Fleet Enema two hours before the colonoscopy, the problem is I can't find the enema here, I went to two pharmacies and they said they would try to order it, will it be a problem if I don't get to do the enema? I've been reading a lot of stories and most people were completely cleaned out after the prep. The prep is what scares me the most, I'm terrified of having a bad reaction to the prep and end up even more sick. I'm also afraid of the anesthesia, I asked the lady who called from the hospital if they would sedate me, she said they don't sedate people, everyone who has a colonoscopy in their hospital is under general anesthesia, isn't this dangerous? I have some papers to fill about
the anesthesia, there's one question that asks me if I'm allergic, how would I know, I've never been under anesthesia. Sorry for all the questions, it's all news and I'm terrified.