fruitgirl said...
It's good that they didn't find any inflammation -- just curious, though, what was going on with you that they determined you needed one?
You could pick up some Preparation H (or store brand equivalent) suppositories that should help the hemmies. I'm assuming they're internal? If they're external, you could use Preparation H cream.
And yes, it's normal to still have liquid/loose BMs for a bit.
Thanks for the advice
There was a suspicion of some sort of inflammation ever since 2010, at the time I started having terrible bouts of diarrhea, sometimes with huge clots of bright red blood on it and mucus, at first it was diagnosed as IBS but after being to a GI he told me that it was probably UC and that I would need a colonoscopy to really find out what was wrong. At the time I wasn't feeling sick and decided to avoid the procedure because I was scared of it, unfortunately last month some of those ymptoms showed up and I decided it was about
time to do this, I have severe anemia and the doctor wanted to check out if I was losing any blood, I'm also doing a upper endoscopy in a few weeks because of that. Unfortunately the doctor said that having a clear colon doesn't mean there's no IBD, we'll see...