Jeannine1776 said...
I'm in Wisconsin....Like I"ve said, I'm coming looking to you veterans for information on why this side affect is happening. Usually if it happens to many people, they would post it. I have been looking for at least 2years for any video, testomonials, feedback anywhere to the side affects both my boyfriend & I are having. I have found absolutely ZERO!.. Was actually going to write the company asking them too. Just weird, how big the net is, & I can't find one person with the same "circustance" I"m having. Some say its a "blessing" to have larger....but its become a bothersome, & I've had to take other supplements to make up for what I'm missing in tangy tangerine.
Here's an idea. Stop taking it.
However, you along with everyone else with 1 post still sound like spam.
People of these forums as well as any other forum that deal with sickness and diseases are always on the lookout to try anything anyone says helps them. So, some product nobody has ever heard of getting different reviews about
how it's a miracle powder and it's curing their diabetes, giving them energy, feeling 30 years younger, making their penis larger amongst other things is pretty dumb. It is clearly trying to take advantage of these people willing to spend lots of money on anything they think will help.
As someone who used to spend hundreds of dollars a month trying any and everything anyone has ever recommended, because I wanted my life back, I think this post should be deleted. I don't care if you're concerned about
your huge boobs or your boyfriends large penis or if you're trying to convince people you aren't being paid to do this as astro-turfing branding and that all of these 1 post accounts are yours on different IPs. Just don't bring it here, go contact the company or resell it as penis enlargement pills and make yourself a billion dollars.