Garylouville said...
I know people want to help but anyone wrapped up in alternative lifestyles always seem to suggest something from their lifestyles that is supposed to help but they actually have no knowledge of this disease and are therefore not really able to give you treatment suggestions based in reality, only based on their own lifestyle prejudices.
You don't know what you are talking about
I do not not not take any meds, never have. Yet I have been in remission for over 4 years by using natural supplements and monitoring my diet, which you derisively label as “alternative” lifestyle prejudices.
Nobody is telling her to avoid meds. I don't hear anybody telling her that they have found an alternative “cure”. All I hear is some advice that has helped others and may or may not be helpful to her.
I am just as ready to advise someone to take rectal meds as I am to recommend probiotics. But I will always be eternally grateful for this forum because here I learned about
such non-medical ideas as powdered psyllium seed, fish oil, and probiotics. They turned out to be my wonder drug that keeps me in remission.
Everyone is different. Just because alternatives do not work for EVERYONE doesn't mean that they should be written off and ignored.
There are many on this forum who are allergic to conventional meds, or have said out that conventional meds do nothing for them. All meds can have toxic side effects, even the milder mesalamines have been known to cause pancreatitis and kidney stones. People should be made aware if there might be some alternative treatments that can allow using less meds or avoid graduating to the “big guns”.
When you continually stifle the dissemination of ideas then the value of our forum is seriously compromised.