Yes... a lot seems to be misunderstood about
the gut these days, in terms of the role it has in regulating moods. It houses everything from vitamin-D receptors to neurotransmitters like serotonin (as London Lurker just alluded to), which can be wiped out with antibiotics. Sunlight also plays a crucial role in serotonin synthesis.
From a scientific vantage point, it's worth noting that over 2,000 genes in the body are regulated and expressed/unexpressed by vitamin D (or plain ol' sunlight). We know that deficiency is often a precursor to depression, autoimmunity and cancers.
In general, supplementation of 1,000 IU vitamin D3 daily (seen as a lower dose estimate) has been estimated to reduce the medical costs of cancer treatment by about $16-$25 billion by exerting a general protective and preventative effect.More here