Apparently I'm not metabolizing Imuran very well anymore. I was on 150 mg and I had to go down to 125 mg. My nurse threw a few numbers at me and I didn't understand what they meant. She said before my count was 16k, now it was 8k which was better but still not good. Whatever value that was...
So she had me go down to 100 mg and I told her I'm going to flare on this dosage. She suggested to do a 100 mg one day, then 125 mg next day and 100 mg after that and so forth. I find myself going to the bathroom more frequently again but thankfully no symptoms (yet). I'll be crying if I find mucus!
My weight was 129 lbs when I last checked (my scale broke) and I don't know if that's the correct therapeutic dosage for my weight. I'm really afraid to flare because Imuran is the only thing which helps me at the moment. I have been on Remicade a few years back however I cannot afford it since I'm in the USA and I don't even know if I have antibodies or not. Humira didn't do anything for me.
When I began with 150 mg my weight was around 130 lbs (58 kg) and I think that was a good dosage for my weight. After a flu in December 2013 I dropped 5 lbs and couldn't gain that weight back. I was around 123 - 125 the whole time up until recently when I ditched my Nuvaring and got my appetite back. My point is, to me it seems like since I lost weight, my metabolism didn't work well with Imuran anymore and I was hoping I'd tolerate it better again when I gained the weight back.
We're going to do another Prometheus test in 5 weeks. I told my nurse that I cannot keep doing them (we did 2 already) because I cannot afford them. They're $270 per test. I tried to correct my blood work with vitamin B12 which seemed to help at first but it really didn't. My blood cells are too big which could mean that Imuran is causing this. My liver is OK at the moment but my GI really doesn't want to take any risks.
I'm not sure what do think about
all that and I don't understand most if it either. I just really want to keep my Imuran and stay in remission