Chrissysoul said...
That's good it has helped. It just scares me that these medicines may help but in some cases could even be fatal. I dunno I read blindness and I'm like *** I don't understand why these medicines have to be scary. I guess they can get rid of the uc but they can also attack other parts of your body. Just wish there was another way than the drugs. I was even scared to use imuran :/. Which has helped but I do believe it has caused the painful numbing and tingling in my hands. I am confused why humira has more side effects than remi. I'm glad it worked for you tho pb. I think I'm gonna be scared on it Cuz blindness is my top fear In life :/
I totally get where you're coming from, but blindness is only one possible RARE side effect and there's no guarantee that you will experience that or any of the other side effects (I know, how crappy would it be to be blind and try to live that way and for us especially having to wipe our butts so many times in a day when flaring, how would we ever know if we cleaned ourselves up properly).
That numbing you're describing could be due to low vitamin B 12 absorption, if you haven't had your B12 levels checked I highly recommend you do...I had the same issue years ago (painful numbing and tingling in my fingers) and found out I was very low on B12 due to my IBD causing issues with nutrient absorption. I had to get B12 shots for 3 months as my GP weaned me onto B12 tabs.
UC alone can also negatively affect other parts of your body, eyes, skin, joints, bones etc so really living with IBD (biologics or not) can have major health consequences that are not limited to the colon/rectum.
It's good that you have concerns, it's normal but you really have to weigh the pros and cons regarding IBD and IBD meds in general, this is where your GI should be guiding you as of luck with whatever course you take.