It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that Nicotine keeps UC in remission so does Boswellia, Aloe Vera , probiotics, various degrees. In some people, these are the only things enough to prevent the flares but in many people, these are not sufficient and they do require meds like Mesalamine etc. Every person's UC is different ranging from mild, non relapsing to severe, relapsing frequently.
Food , low stress and herbs at least do help partially in most cases.
( Reference: Advanced therapy of inflammatory Bowel Disease, by Theodore M. Bayless and Stephen B.Hunter)
Diva2014: 18 yrs. Diag: UC on Nov04,2014. In remission now.
Post Edited (Diva2014) : 12/5/2014 7:09:10 AM (GMT-7)