barbar3 said...
Salofalk is a steroid.What is the other Med I should use Please.To Marauder93.
No Salofalk is NOT a steroid. It is mesalamine/5-aminosalicyclic acid.
Your issue with salofalk/mesalamine is that it is causing hair loss. So if you dont want to take that (which is by far the safest drug), youll have to increase your drug strength to either an immunosuppresent (Imuran/Azathiorpine or 6MP) or even higher to a biologic (Remicade, Humira, Simponi, Entyvio). Unfortunately I believe the immunosuppresents also causes hair loss since they are actually cancer drugs (albeit taken in much lower doses than in chemotherapy). Besides going the complete natural way (not recommended without traditional meds as well), that is really your only option.