iPoop said...
Yes, even short periods of time are helpful when using suppositories or enemas. The medications are anti-inflammatory, and it is the inflammation that makes it hard to retain. Over time, the medicine reduces inflammation and the suppository becomes easier to retain. Keep at it and it'll get easier in time. Taking them at a time where your bowels are expected to be empty helps. Flatulence and suppositories can be an issue. Unfortunately you have to deal with it. If certain foods make you gassy then try to avoid them.
How long roughly over time? I've used 6 so far..the past 2/3 days I've not even made half an hour. But before that I managed 5 hours and before that, 1 hour. There isn't any consistency in how long I can keep it in. Would doing it earlier in the day be better as night time clearly isn't helpful? This is when Im most bloated.
Also, if I don't keep it in for more than half an hour, should I try again?