Chantrelle99 said...
I used to get really bad with gas that I would look pregnant and the pain was very bad. It would happened very often during flares but also when in remission but not often.
The Low FODMAP diet has help a lot. I also have stopped
all sparkling no drinks and chewing gums as it seems to make matters worse.
One of my sisters gets the exact same way as you described, her tummy will be somewhat flat (she's older and has had a couple of kids so not flat abs like before kids and age) and she'll eat or drink something she shouldn't and right before my eyes her gut just starts expanding, it's a freaky thing to see...she has IBS.
Chewing gum can irritate people with bowel issues because from the chewing it creates excess air being swallowed, not to mention many have issues with sugar alcohols/sugar substitutes that can cause stomach issues to those that are sensitive to them.