Posted 6/19/2015 10:39 PM (GMT 0)
Wheat/gluten free did stop my bleeding and I've never stopped GF (cheat now and then but then back on the wagon). Too much fiber can also cause blood for me so cut most of that out. Turmeric was just added this year after reading a thread here. Some people take a high quantity of turmeric capsules but my limit is 1 capsule (500 mg) a day. If I didn't take a Rx meds I would try increasing that but a higher quantity turmeric caused IBS for me. (Many supplements made me worse and I've tried many, many).
I eat potatoes, often and happily. Very well tolerated by my gut. My diet is low fiber veggies, potatoes every other night's dinner and a quarter lb of meat (chicken, beef) a day (no seafood).
Diet took me a loooong time to sort out what was tolerated, what foods caused what problems.
Recently I removed more dairy (milk, ice cream) but butter, cheddar, swiss are still OK.
VSL#3 was a big help for me couple years ago and I still have some packets in the fridge, just in case. I haven't used it in 6 months or longer and use no probiotics now.
Rx meds did almost nothing for 10 years (except mesalamine enemas--they work very well for bleeding). Diet mod. failed time after time until finally started working when I got really, really focussed on it.
I just made GF choc chip cookies this afternoon. Chocolate can cause IBS problems but nothing more serious than an extra BM or 2 tomorrow morning.