Thanks, I'll give you some details, it's been a lot of trial and error and i just recently started reading more into his actual information and realized how much I've been doing wrong.
I have had no contact with Dr. Stein, and I couldn't use his products even if I did because i have bad reactions to rice flour in pills.
Currently I take powder form tyrosine and 5-htp I got in bulk off Amazon, unfortunately I bought N-acetyl tyrosine and I don't know if that will be the same, I don't have money to switch right now, it does -something- and feels similar to when I was taking l-tyrosine but when I run out I'll go back to what the doctor prescribes.
I take a multivitamin from Solgar that has most of the cofactors in Neuroreplete, and have Cysteine, Lysine, Vit C, and Calcium supplements on the side. I need to invest in an independent folate, selenium and B6 as well to more accurately replicate Cysreplete and Replete Plus dosing. I was worried about
too much B6 before but now I understand how important it is for this process.
I can't really afford to buy everything separately and dose it myself at this current point, I'm living paycheck to paycheck.
I followed a protocol of 1500mg - 150mg tyrosine to 5-htp 2x a day plus cofactors.
I messed up and bought acetly l-cysteine at one point instead of just l-cysteine and had a terrible reaction involving yellowish green diarrhea.
I discarded it, bought the right stuff and went back, moved up to phase 2, 3 then 4 dosing.
I stayed on this dose for 1 week and experienced no improvement, depression, brain fog, and fatigue.
I did a pill stop which showed improvement of symptoms.
I read on his blog about
the dopamine challenge for crohn's and the seratonin vs. dopamine dominant conditions. While Crohn's needs a test, the other conditions I've been experiencing in my life (anxiety, depression) he says strictly NO dopamine challenge because it can have bad reactions to the L-Dopa.
Since things got worse with L-Dopa for me I'm going to assume it's related and try going with his seratonin dominant protocol which is just aminos with no L-dopa.
I'll be at about
half the dose he recommends to start.
I think it's interesting however how much the initial pubmed report differs from his approach on the forum members here and from the approach he describes on his website.
I feel like he's not really finished understanding his own therapy. Especially given how many of you reported feeling worse at specific dose changes.
Post Edited (instantcoffee) : 7/16/2015 7:23:12 AM (GMT-6)