I know a while back this topic was discussed on here. I was wondering if anyone has had some long term success with this?
I forgot a couple years ago I used to eat blueberries with my homemade yogurt and thought at the time it helped. Why I stopped I do not know. Fast forward and it is helping me again! While the Simponi has definitely improved things a lot like urgency, frequency, and blood I could still feel my left lower side was tender and my guts just felt unsettled, so I started thinking about things that helped before.
I started eating blueberries again as my afternoon snack and then taking my probiotic at the same time. Coincidence I don't know but my guts are so calm this week and finally don't feel as tender and sore. When I looked up an article about it again it did mention how this combo is great for intestinal inflammation and helps make buytric acid.
The article is from 2010, but in case anyone is interested in some of the science about this combo.