quincy said...
How many times a day?
It could be hormonal changes, but I suggest to treat it as a flare. Do you have mesalamine enemas?
You could add a fibre supplement with meals...small amount to start.
are you taking probiotics?
if this is way out of the ordinary for your flares, err on the side of caution to ask the doctor for a stool sample kit to check for invaders.
keep us posted.
Thanks Quincy!! It is not happening everyday. It happens about
2 or 3 days a week and each one of those days involves about
6-7 trips to the bathroom. The other days are "normal." I don't have mesalamine enemas, but I will definitely be using the Canasa and will talk to my GI. This is not how I normally flare. Usually, I have blood and mucus which eventually leads to diarrhea over a long period of time. I seemed to have gone straight to diarrhea this time. Hoping that it's the hormonal changes!