Guardian7 said...
the FDA runs things here and does not want the pharmaceutical model compromised in any way, shape or form.
I am tending to agree with you on this. My girlfriend's 23andme results indicated severe genetic MTHFR dysfunction. After following thru with much research this was the key to finally resolving the severe chronic migraines she has suffered since she was 12 years old.
23andMe is a very competent company and I respect what they would have sent me. One of its founders is Anne Wojcicki who was married to Sergey Brin, the founder of Google. Despite all of his billions 23andme discovered that Sergey Brin was very susceptible to Parkinson's disease. Good information to know. I hope he is doing everything possible to avoid that fate, (like reading our threads about
vitamin D lol).
Its health-related results explains why some of us are genetically compromised for
metabolizing high histamine foods. And some of us on this forum have found it to be a useful tool in general. (I wish TheAnswersYouSeek aka Pathogenkiller would start posting here again).
TheAnswersYouSeek said...
23andme can give you more info. But plan on also getting homocysteine and ammonia blood tests to make sense if if you are having issues around any mutations. Organic acids test and urine amino acids tests can also be helpful as well as spectra cell. You can take a bunch of b12 and have high serum levels of b12 and folate, but if you don't have enough lithium (oat) and magnesium in your red blood cells (spectra cell) your body isn't using any of it because its not making it into the cell. However, then you kinda go down a test hole.. First step, 6 weeks on lmethyl and b12 then you can explore other issues. If you find you have homozygous CBS mutations you might alo want to address that concurrently by trialling diet mod/thiol restriction. Also, ndufs7/8, ATP and cox6 mutations need support with things like ubiquinol, b-2 ( bioactive form), b5(pantheoic acid), l carnitine..
Deltaforce said...
I am going through my 23andMe results and I have A1298C heterozygous mutation. Although that just means that the enzyme is working 70% of its activity...