kiptyn said...
Wow, that's crazy. I hope your pain improves quickly.
I've never heard of UC causing so much pain that walking is impossible. Were you ever on Remicade? Several here have had terrible joint pain from Remicade.
You said the debilitating pain started last Sunday. What changed that day or the day before? Any new meds? The TPN? Did you stop taking something? You need to figure out if this is caused you something other than UC.
It's so weird, if you were pretty much anywhere else except the Cleveland Clinic, I'd say check out of the hospital and get a second opinion. Even at the CC, don't hesitate to speak up if you think they're wrong.
I always speak up, I've told every nurse and Doctor the same thing and they just say that it's probably from the colitis which will ease off with the surgery. Yes I've been on remicade, last dose was October 5th