Hey All, I stopped Entyvio on Sept 29th, I feel so much better being off that! I work out all the time or whenever I want to ...you get it. I'm not over doing, but I CAN do it! Far cry from this whole past year.
I still poop my pants int he car like every other fricken day! I'm fine when I leave the house and for some reason my body says "your in the car, poop" Do I need hypnosis?
Otherwise I'm doing great. My poops are long and skinny, ribbon like of couse. They smell sweet and my girlfriend said it might be yeast issues. I'm on Asacol HD two a day (one in the AM and on one in PM) I can take my antibiotics as needed. If I feel gas and bloating for days on end or run down, I can take Rafaximin and it goes away. Without testing, my doc said it could possibly small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO) I try not to jump to antibiotics or steriods.
Maybe I could take something for yeast long term thats all natural? I don't want a detox pill, I can poop a ton on my own! Probiotics make me poop even more!
My poop color ranges from orange to yellow mostly.
If I could stop the urgency in my car, dang it, it would be doing more than fantastic! There is someone else on here, soystud maybe, that also has the accidents in the car. This is where it all started, pooping in my car!! I'm not kidding. I can't stop driving for all your funny people out there who will suggest that :) So no I'm not in remission, haven't been in 10 years now, but I'm doing better. Well thanks for listening and Happy Turkey Day, I'm eating everything and anything!!