The response rate to remicade is generally 60ish percent. I'm currently in remission (meaning zero uc symptoms) thanks to remicade.
Remicade has an initial set of loading doses that are spaced closely together (at week zero, 2 and then 6), afterwards an 8 week maintenance treatment is typical. Once in maintenance, both the dose and the intervals can be adjusted based on patient response. Remicade generally is fast acting, most have an initial response during the first 6-8 weeks.
Regarding side effects, their statistically rare (less than 1 percent odds), but serious when they do occur. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America has some great risk versus benefits information :
: doctor is right, there's a lot of other biologic medications (like remicade), such as humira, simponi, and entvyio. And more are in the pipeline for near future approval. Plus immunomodulators like Imuran or 6mp that are currently available.